Categories: Authorprenuership

Yay its resource Monday: But on Thursday. :-)

Ok each week I am scouring the net for great resources of all kinds.  Primarily for writers but it can be whatever fancies me.

This week I’d like to present…drum roll please….HubSpot’s Marketing Grader!

Let’s give them a hand shall we!

Well I found this gem of a site while looking for resources to better market my own wares.

Per the website Marketing Grader does the following.

“HubSpot’s Marketing Grader allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing by looking at many factors, including your website, social media activity, mobile responsiveness, blogging activity, email marketing, lead nurturing, and analytics. As a marketer, you need to be aware of how each of your marketing efforts affect your lead pipeline, and spend your limited time on the activities that will give you the most return. Marketing Grader does just this by analyzing all aspects of your marketing efforts and letting you know where you’re succeeding and what you need to spend more time improving.

Marketing Grader also outlines why you should take particular steps to improve and what your top priorities should be. With customized action items to help the top of your funnel, the middle of your funnel, and your analytics, Marketing Grader makes it easy for you to figure out your next steps.

Marketing Grader will help you understand:

Blogging Is my blog driving results that justify the time investment, or are we wasting time doing the wrong things?

Social Media How effectively are we using Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter in our marketing?

SEO How optimized is my website to be found by people searching for my services online?

Lead Generation Are my marketing efforts generating enough leads and sales?

Mobile Marketing Is my web presence optimized for mobile devices?

Competitive Benchmarking Is my marketing more or less effective than my competition?”

Now I don’t know about you.  But if you have a blog or website I think all of us want increased traffic, and having an objective outside entity look at your website and see if it can be improved can go a long ways.

I would say look at its results as foundational steps of what you might want to do further with your marketing of your site.

Since authors HAVE to market in order to get their work exposed.  And authors are not necessarily marketers and need help in this area.  I thought I’d share this lil nugget.  I hope you find it useful.  The link is below.

Until next time!

Oh and PS!

I want to hear from you!

To prove it and show my love, for the month of March, everyone who leaves a comment I will put your name in a hat. If you comment and link back to my blog on your blog, you get your name in the hat twice. If you leave a comment and link back to my blog, and mention my book The Third Heaven: The Rise of Fallen Stars in your blog…you get your name in the hat THREE times. What do you win? A guest blog appearance!  Yep I’ll feature you in my blog and help promote you!  How about that?

I will pick a winner once a month. So at the end of March I will pick a winner for the monthly prize. Good luck!


Donovan M. Neal is the Amazon best-selling independently published author of the Third Heaven Series: a speculative Christian fantasy four book series that explores the captivating story about the fall of Lucifer. The book takes readers on an epic journey through the celestial realms, offering a unique perspective on the events surrounding Lucifer’s rebellion and his descent into darkness. In this imaginative tale, Donovan weaves together elements of Christian theology, angelic mythology, and fantastical world-building. The story delves into the cosmic conflict between good and evil, painting a vivid picture of the spiritual warfare that unfolded in the heavens. Donovan has published eleven books and is currently working on publishing five more in the year 2023 alone. His books have reached thirteen countries including India, Japan, the Philippines, Mexico, Brazil and across Europe, Canada and the US. He has sold over thirty thousand units of his books and generated over a quarter million in gross sales part time and without an agent. Donovan has produced fiction; non-fiction and most recently published a graphic novel. His genre of preference is fantasy and he has been named among such notable authors as Frank Perretti, Brian Godawa, and the late Dr. Michael S. Heiser. When he’s not writing or working, Donovan can be found gaming or enjoying various forms of media. He holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) and a graduate degree in Non-profit Management from Walden University. Prior to his current career, Donovan served in ordained ministry from 1993-2011 and has extensive experience teaching the Bible. You can learn more about him professionally if you would like by clicking here. His favorite movie is the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. He also enjoys gaming and can be found on the Playstation5 deep in Destiny 2, He’s owned most gaming systems all the way back from Atari and Pong! and has made several friends from his beloved days on World of Warcraft. A lover of such classics as chess and backgammon he loves most games and the strategy behind them. When he is not imagining comic conflicts between good and evil he is helping to secure employment for housing insecure women as the Executive Director of a non-profit in the city of Detroit and also serves in the prayer and discipleship ministry of his local church.

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