God bless you!  Let’s start off the new month with the draft of the prologue of the 3rd book in the Third Heaven series shall we!

Remember this is a draft and might change in the final version.

But for those that have enjoyed the series, this is just for you!

The Distant Future

Michael ruminated on the loss of Raphael then muttered to himself in remembrance of the words of El, “I AM the resurrection and the life.” He lifted his head to look upon his grinning brother, a brother who sweltered amidst the blistering flames, and gritted through teeth straining to prevent release of his own screams, straining to speak against the anguished outcries of those around him echoing throughout the air. Micheal smiled and rose to his feet, his royal white and gilded robes gleamed in brilliance. His halo flared as it reflected off the sunlight, as he spoke with authority to Satan.
“Do you think me so small that you could tempt me to raise arms on thy behalf?” You are eclipsed in the sins of thy past, overrun in the pit of fire. You are lost, forever refuse to the universe, you are the choir master of screams, the conductor of wails, and thy music the harmonies of gnashing teeth.”
Michael raised his voice as awareness came over him. For soon their conversation would come to an end, and it would cease as it was always destined to end. With victory for El. Thus Michael released himself from the hurt of past wounds, to speak to his living apparition of guilt in the person of his brother.
“Those in Christ had a saying about thee my brother. A saying I find fitting to speak to thee now. For you have spoken much in the way of words. Yet thy words are bereft of power. Thus hear the words the clayborn have said of thee and tremble. Let me lift a proverb in thy hearing of those whose victory hath now overcome the world, and let it be as an echo for eternity in thine ears, ‘When the Devil seeks to remind you of your past,’ Michael paused and stared deep into Lucifer’s eyes. “Remind him of his future.’ Therefore let me call heaven and earth against thee and rehearse in thy hearing both past and future. For it was not I who smote the mountain of God. Nor I who sought to strike down the Author of Life, it was not I who put the Lord to death or who sought to make Death a rabid pet to be unleashed upon the world of men. No Lucifer, it was thee!” Michael roared above the cries of the damned as their wails sailed across the sweltering sky.
“And what future do you see before you now Son of Perdition? What future do you see in the eons to come? Tell me Lucifer what glory do you see before you now?”
Lucifer stood silent, and his face was stern, then he opened his mouth to speak.
“SILENCE!!” roared Michael.
Lucifer stood stupefied, unable to speak as if an invisible force constricted his vocal chords.
“Thou art no longer allowed to breathe lies into the New Earth’s air. I forbid it.”
Lucifer struggled to open his mouth as if gagged by an invisible force, and he glared, at his brother.
Michael continued in his berate. “What words can come from thee, but lies and provocation? Thus, let me proclaim thy future oh he that would be king. Behold your chaise that burns with fire. A bed of flames padded by thine evil, engined by the lust of thy compatriots, and fired by the passions of dreams, and purposes counter to God. This is what I see for thee Lucifer — flames, imprisonment, forever to broil in the millenia to come for thy collusions. To swelter in the work of they hands, and grill in the sins of thy making. Behold, now the end of thee and the reaping of what thou hast sown!”
Michael waved his hand rearward, and Lucifer scowled as he looked beyond his brother at the approaching slow march of a dark figure moving towards them. Fire and plumes of smoke trailed him, and the air itself separated into its component parts and screamed in hissing wails of decomposer in the creatures shadow. And Lucifer knew that one being in all of creation had such an effect on the Earth.


Donovan M. Neal is the Amazon best-selling independently published author of the Third Heaven Series: a speculative Christian fantasy four book series that explores the captivating story about the fall of Lucifer. The book takes readers on an epic journey through the celestial realms, offering a unique perspective on the events surrounding Lucifer’s rebellion and his descent into darkness. In this imaginative tale, Donovan weaves together elements of Christian theology, angelic mythology, and fantastical world-building. The story delves into the cosmic conflict between good and evil, painting a vivid picture of the spiritual warfare that unfolded in the heavens. Donovan has published eleven books and is currently working on publishing five more in the year 2023 alone. His books have reached thirteen countries including India, Japan, the Philippines, Mexico, Brazil and across Europe, Canada and the US. He has sold over thirty thousand units of his books and generated over a quarter million in gross sales part time and without an agent. Donovan has produced fiction; non-fiction and most recently published a graphic novel. His genre of preference is fantasy and he has been named among such notable authors as Frank Perretti, Brian Godawa, and the late Dr. Michael S. Heiser. When he’s not writing or working, Donovan can be found gaming or enjoying various forms of media. He holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) and a graduate degree in Non-profit Management from Walden University. Prior to his current career, Donovan served in ordained ministry from 1993-2011 and has extensive experience teaching the Bible. You can learn more about him professionally if you would like by clicking here. His favorite movie is the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. He also enjoys gaming and can be found on the Playstation5 deep in Destiny 2, He’s owned most gaming systems all the way back from Atari and Pong! and has made several friends from his beloved days on World of Warcraft. A lover of such classics as chess and backgammon he loves most games and the strategy behind them. When he is not imagining comic conflicts between good and evil he is helping to secure employment for housing insecure women as the Executive Director of a non-profit in the city of Detroit and also serves in the prayer and discipleship ministry of his local church.

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