I’ve not been posting much lately as I have been focused on getting book three done.  Nevertheless, I wanted to give a brief update on where we are. The complete plot looks like it’s done, and I am making what I think is good progress for what should be a spring release of the new book.

Writing a series like the Third Heaven is daunting.  To take the word of God, and attempt to fictionalize it for entertainment purposes,  has been the most humbling journey I’ve ever embarked on.  In the end the books are simply my desire to tell the epic story of Lucifer’s fall and the resulting consequences.  This series has been a labor of love, and I never thought that so many would be touched by my work.  I am intimidated beyond all belief when it gets close to releasing a new book.  I always wonder can I capture this epic story, and not loose my readers.  Trying to find a way to incorporate the actual scriptures yet keep to their spirit.  Can I create the wonder, the majesty, the emotions from this book.   Who am I writing for?  Christians?  Non-Christians.  Ultimately I’ve come to the conclusion that I am writing for myself in many respects.  It’s not the recommended way to target an audience.  But as I pour out my heart I trust that the body of work will touch those whom God wants it to touch.  I find myself always asking for prayer that God would anoint me when it sit at my keyboard to write, and that I write the story he wants me to tell.

The book at this point is 70% done and this I reached the time in my publishing process, where it was time to commission the cover for the new novel. And once again my designer Roger, has done an outstanding job of capturing the look, feel, and emotion that I wish to evoke for the cover.  I couldn’t be more pleased.  Talk about a home run…wow.

Going the independent publishing route; is not, contrary to the word independent, a solo adventure. Like any traditional publisher it requires a team of individuals who can come together to create the books that we love.  And I am so privileged to have such a team member in Roger Despi. (aka Pintado) So if you would allow me, I want to gush a little bit about Roger.  I met him when I first commissioned work to be done on the first cover.  As those that follow me know, I utilized 99designs.com to get the first cover done.  It was a wonderful experience.  And I would do it again in a heart beat. Using their process I was able to elicit over 100 graphic designers who desired to work on the project.  Roger’s work ultimately was selected and the rest is as we say history.

But it was the ease of working with Roger, and his talent that caused me to go with him. Needless to say it was a match made in Heaven and he’s been doing my book covers ever since.  If you need excellent original work done.  This is the man. Period.

Roger’s website can be found here.  Or you can find him on 99designs under the name Pintado.

Roger was able to take my thoughts on these two images, and capture what I wanted to depict on the first try.

To combine the image of Jesus coming from the grave in the underworld, yet death as an enemy standing between him and resurrection.  This ladies and gentlemen is why I use him.  Book three is darker so the cover needed to evoke a darker sense.  For in it we touch on torture, Hades, betrayal, demon possession, crucifixion, death.

But the book also talks about reconciliation, forgiveness, faith, and of course resurrection, victory and redemption.  That there is light even in the darkness, even in the face of death.  There is hope.  Tolkien said it this way, in the Fellowship of the Ring. “May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out.” Christ, our hope in the midst of darkness.  That is what this covers means to me.

Needless to say I can’t wait to get my grubby little hands on the final copy of the print version.

It is with great honor that I can showcase this mans wonderful work, and I look forward to meeting all my fans in the pages of the upcoming book.  And as always, please remember me in your prayers.

With warmest regards,








Donovan M. Neal is the Amazon best-selling independently published author of the Third Heaven Series: a speculative Christian fantasy four book series that explores the captivating story about the fall of Lucifer. The book takes readers on an epic journey through the celestial realms, offering a unique perspective on the events surrounding Lucifer’s rebellion and his descent into darkness. In this imaginative tale, Donovan weaves together elements of Christian theology, angelic mythology, and fantastical world-building. The story delves into the cosmic conflict between good and evil, painting a vivid picture of the spiritual warfare that unfolded in the heavens. Donovan has published eleven books and is currently working on publishing five more in the year 2023 alone. His books have reached thirteen countries including India, Japan, the Philippines, Mexico, Brazil and across Europe, Canada and the US. He has sold over thirty thousand units of his books and generated over a quarter million in gross sales part time and without an agent. Donovan has produced fiction; non-fiction and most recently published a graphic novel. His genre of preference is fantasy and he has been named among such notable authors as Frank Perretti, Brian Godawa, and the late Dr. Michael S. Heiser. When he’s not writing or working, Donovan can be found gaming or enjoying various forms of media. He holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) and a graduate degree in Non-profit Management from Walden University. Prior to his current career, Donovan served in ordained ministry from 1993-2011 and has extensive experience teaching the Bible. You can learn more about him professionally if you would like by clicking here. His favorite movie is the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. He also enjoys gaming and can be found on the Playstation5 deep in Destiny 2, He’s owned most gaming systems all the way back from Atari and Pong! and has made several friends from his beloved days on World of Warcraft. A lover of such classics as chess and backgammon he loves most games and the strategy behind them. When he is not imagining comic conflicts between good and evil he is helping to secure employment for housing insecure women as the Executive Director of a non-profit in the city of Detroit and also serves in the prayer and discipleship ministry of his local church.

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