Hey all, it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything but the lack of posts does not mean activity is not taking place.  In fact the lack of posts is a sign that activity is indeed taking place. As some of you know I also write non-fiction.







And while Apocalypse of Kings is definitely in the process of being written.  I also have a much smaller non-fiction work coming out this summer as well. Tentatively entitled,  “Let Thy feet be Washed” it’s a look at how one can take the lessons of foot washing and pursue healing in ones life.  While the first draft is not yet done.  It’s close enough that I need to seriously think about cover options and this is where you come in!

I’ve posted a link here to where the tentative mock ups can be viewed on Canva and I would appreciate if you would take a look and tell me which cover catches your eye the most?  Any insight is greatly appreciated.  I am trying to write to market and I am having a doozy of a time trying to decide which cover best reflects the market.  In the meantime I’ve got to get back to writing so thanks for the help!
