Fox TV’s Lucifer

9 years ago

  Coming to Fox on January 25th is Hollywood’s latest attempt to minimize Biblical Christianity and trivialize one of its…

What I hate about Destiny

9 years ago

I love games.  Before the advent of video game systems I used to play chess and backgammon and card games…

We are renovating the site! Pardon our dust!

9 years ago

We are in the process of making our website even better.  Pardon our dust as we make these changes.  …

5 things to do as an new author.

9 years ago

I recntly gave a friend of mine some advice.  I thought it applicable for most so here are five practical things…

The Third Heaven: The Realm of the Dead: Prologue

9 years ago

  God bless you!  Let's start off the new month with the draft of the prologue of the 3rd book…

The Battle song of Micheal: Chief Prince of Angels

9 years ago

  In my latest novel the Birth of God.  I continue the series of angels at war.  In the second…

Furnace Faith: Thoughts about where is God during suffering.

9 years ago

Can you imagine as an author trying to write a fiction book where God is your character? I find that…

What then shall we do when book reviewers go bad?

9 years ago

  Occasionally we authors are challenged on how to respond to reviews.  Reviews I have learned are simply readers documenting…

What do YOU want?

9 years ago

As some of you know.  I sometimes struggle with the blogging process.  Part of it is simply determining what to…