Get Rid of Your Marketing Fog Once and For All

10 years ago

Those that read my blog know that I believe in authorprenuership and as an author I want to help new…

The Birth of God: Prologue reveal!

10 years ago

Prologue  "Only in Heaven could such evil be spawned.  Only thy bosom could conceive such audacity.  For it was you…

Cover reveal for The Third Heaven: The Birth of God

10 years ago

I am happy to announce the cover reveal to the sequel to my Amazon best selling novel the Third Heaven:…

More thoughts about the Third Heaven

10 years ago

One of the benefits of writing is that I get to let my fans peek into my world. To give…

19 differences between Exodus and the Biblical text.

10 years ago

  I had the chance to take in the new Exodus movie last week, and to say I was disappointed was…

How to Develop an Author Platform: Part 2

10 years ago

In part, one I stated what an author platform was “Platform is the means by which you connect with your…

What Peter Jackson taught me about writing epic battles

10 years ago

[embedyt][/embedyt] I read a recent article about some of thinking that Peter Jackson uses in thinking through the epic battles.…

A how to guide to finding your readers.  Part 1

10 years ago

Every author needs readers.  Let’s face it without readers no one will read your work.  However, for many indie authors…

How to vote and still be a Christian

10 years ago

During this season in the United States citizens of this country will be exercising their constitutional right to vote. As…

A leadership talk with radio host Parker J. Cole

10 years ago

What makes a good leader?  In light of the fact the Jesus refers to us sometimes as sheep what implications…