How indie authors find the help they need

10 years ago

One of the things that I notice as I peruse various Facebook, and Google Plus groups for authors is that…

You are important

10 years ago

As I get older I find that one of the most compelling drives is the drive for significance. This drive…

When you give your daughter away in marriage

10 years ago

It's been an interesting two weeks.  I've not posted anything and was taking a bit of a break but I'm…

How to develop an author platform: Part 1

10 years ago

Many authors myself included would love to focus their attention on just writing their book.  In our ideal world, we…

Book recommendation: Platform by Michael Hyatt

10 years ago

In my journey to become a successful authorprenuer there are various readings that I have come upon that are simply…

Why you want to quit, and why you wont!

10 years ago

In the Bible there is a story about a man named Terah.  Terah is known for several things. Being the father…

The Lazy Authors Way to Acquire Book Reviews

10 years ago

Reviews for an author provide social proof that your book is effectively engaging with your audience.  Many authors struggle to…

Writing the next book: can lightning strike twice?

10 years ago I always had the plan to write more than one book.  In fact, I knew when I started the…

How to get more done with less.  Part 3

10 years ago

In last weeks, post I talked about how leaders are always looking to be more effective. To increase our effectiveness…

How I did it series: Building networks Prt 1

10 years ago

  Authors today are bombarded with a number of choices when it comes to publishing. Traditional publishing options, indie publishing,…