by Donovan | Sep 6, 2016 | Authorprenuership, Personal updates, The Third Heaven: The Realm of the Dead
I want to thank everyone for the wonderful reception you have given to Realm of the Dead. It seems the consensus is that this is the best book in the series. Thanks so much for taking this journey with me! You all have spurred me to do better with each book. (I’m...
by Donovan | Aug 15, 2016 | How I did it, Look what I did!, The Third Heaven: The Realm of the Dead
Hey everyone God bless you! I’ve been playing around with the idea of doing the narration for the Realm of the Dead myself for a while now, and wanted to give you all a listen, and get some feed back. So yours truly has taken it upon himself to record a sample...
by Donovan | Aug 1, 2016 | On-writing, Personal updates
I have just come back from the Realm Makers 2016 writers conference. It was my first writers conference and a fulfillment of one of my writing goals. To make a long story short I am glad I went and if you are a spec fic Christian writer, I would recommend that you go...
by Donovan | Jul 20, 2016 | Uncategorized
Pardon our dust the website is under construction! I hope to be relaunching soon with a great new look, and exciting content!
by Donovan | May 19, 2016 | The Third Heaven: The Realm of the Dead
The release of the novel is imminent! Reserve your copy today!