The Thinking behind: The Third Heaven: Realm of the Dead


In book three we have the continuation of the saga of Micheal and the angelic host as they continue to wrestle with the reality of Yeshua’s actions on earth its meaning for mankind, and Lucifer’s schemes to supplant God.  We pick up directly where book two left off, so I strongly encourage readers to get book two to fully appreciate what is taking place in book three.

In book three we see the taking of Elijah into heaven, the trial and crucifixion of Jesus, demon possession, we explore the mind of Judas, witness life for the righteous and unrighteous dead, the cost of pursuing forgiveness apart from God, and the climatic triumph of Yeshua over Satan, death, Hell, and the grave.  We witness the resurrection of Jesus and touch on John’s revelation, all of which brings us towards the final book in the series.


The message of book three is varied but chief among them is that Jesus paid the price of our sins, suffering in our stead that mankind would not have to pay the cost of sin. Redemption is costly, and to dismiss this cost and pay it ourselves is to do so at ones own peril.

There is another theme in the book about the importance of reconciliation and that God is moving to bring all things in reconciliation to Himself.  This theme is played out in what is called the Schism in the book.

I’ve tried to create a cohesive story consistent with the world building from books one and two.  Care has been taken to preserve the spirit of the biblical text when used. Recognizing that the overall story while biblically based is again highly speculative and should not be considered prescriptive or doctrinal in any sense.

One major thing that was not touched on, and perhaps might be addressed in a short story at some point was the 30 years of life of Jesus prior to his ministry.  While this was entertained, I didn’t feel it added to the pacing of the story and would have slowed it down too much.  The series is primarily the stories about the angelic agents of God, and I felt this would have detracted from what I wanted to see in the book, and made it a much longer work.

There is a also a homage to Star Trek in the book as well.  For those that are familiar with the series episode a particular scene alludes to it will help to denote how truly ruthless the Devil can be with us, and that in the end he seeks worship and how he twists truth to get us to worship anything but God.

Lastly, book three moves some more of the pieces from Revelation out on the board into play.  We have the seven trumpets, Enoch and Elijah as the two witnesses, Apollyon is set to return from book one, the book of seals, Lucifer’s alluding to his intent to raise up an Anti-Christ, all things are moving to bring us to the climatic close of the series in book four where we will end full circle at the conversation begun by Micheal and Lucifer at the Lake of Fire.

As always I ask for my fans prayers that God would guide me as I attempt to flesh the remainder of this story out to his glory and the body’s enjoyment.

Book four will be out sometime Lord willing in the summer of 2017 as with every book.  The eBook, and print will come out first with the audio book coming out several months later.