by Donovan | Jan 10, 2016 | Christian Commentary
Coming to Fox on January 25th is Hollywood’s latest attempt to minimize Biblical Christianity and trivialize one of its most foundational personalities…Lucifer. Sensationalized with the taglines such as “going to be giving bad a good name”, and “Lucifer...
by Donovan | Mar 9, 2015 | Christian Commentary
In reviewing the genre that is “Christian Fiction.” I have discovered that what is considered Christian Fiction has gone through a morphing that based on today’s current standards might not see such great works as The Lord of the Rings, or The...
by Donovan | Feb 11, 2015 | Christian Commentary, On-writing
Not long ago I was sitting in church and the Lord’s Prayer was alluded to in the Sunday talk. It occurred to me that the prayer is not just an outline of how to pray but an articulation by Jesus of his world view. In the words of Jesus we have arguably several...
by Donovan | Dec 18, 2014 | Christian Commentary
I had the chance to take in the new Exodus movie last week, and to say I was disappointed was an understatement. While the cinematography was epic in scope and scale. The acting was wooden by virtually all parties. Viewers should expect to see much departure...
by Donovan | Nov 3, 2014 | Christian Commentary
During this season in the United States citizens of this country will be exercising their constitutional right to vote. As Christians in this country it can be easy to forget that we are but pilgrims, and that although we reside here this is not our ultimate home....
by Donovan | Sep 8, 2014 | Christian Commentary
As I get older I find that one of the most compelling drives is the drive for significance. This drive is evident as a child when as children we vie for the attention and approval of our parents and adults. It is easily seen in the adolescent need for peer approval....