Personal updates

Help select the next book cover to my next non-fiction work!

Hey all, it's been a while since I've posted anything but the lack of posts does not mean activity is…

6 years ago

The Verdict is in!

I want to thank everyone for the wonderful reception you have given to Realm of the Dead.  It seems the…

8 years ago

My thoughts on Realm Makers 2016

I have just come back from the Realm Makers 2016 writers conference. It was my first writers conference and a…

8 years ago

Let’s celebrate together with a .99 cent sale!

Wow so much has happened since I last chatted with you! I am happy to announce that the audio book of the Third…

9 years ago

Updates abound!

Fans have been demanding it, and now the time has come to deliver.  Ladies and gentlemen I am happy to…

9 years ago

Big thanks to the Plymouth District Library!

I wanted to say thank you to the city of Plymouth and their District Library for the invite to this…

10 years ago

The Birth of God: Prologue reveal!

Prologue  "Only in Heaven could such evil be spawned.  Only thy bosom could conceive such audacity.  For it was you…

10 years ago

Cover reveal for The Third Heaven: The Birth of God

I am happy to announce the cover reveal to the sequel to my Amazon best selling novel the Third Heaven:…

10 years ago

When you give your daughter away in marriage

It's been an interesting two weeks.  I've not posted anything and was taking a bit of a break but I'm…

10 years ago