Personal updates

Writing the next book: can lightning strike twice? I always had the plan to write more than one book.  In fact, I knew when I started the…

10 years ago

Well we have moved!

Well after much ado I've finally managed to move from WordPress to Blue-host.   It's taken me several hours to…

10 years ago

We’re moving!

Evening all, After tearing over the decision I've decided that I need to take the next step of getting my…

10 years ago

How do you handle trolling behavior? When I started out in writing I just wanted to tell a great story about a biblical event.  I…

10 years ago

Ramblings and such.

I’ve been struggling lately with some postings and have been very busy too.  Best practice they say is to at…

10 years ago

What it is like to be a writer.

I was once asked what it was like to be a writer.  And though I would never presume to speak…

11 years ago

Ready for the New Year!

Hey peeps, sorry I have been away for a bit, end of the year stuff and transitioning.But I’m back and…

11 years ago

6 expectations I’m learning to accept: Life is difficult.

While at service this past Sunday I was enlightened when the speaker talked about expectations. He characterized expectations as mental…

11 years ago

Sometimes you do not need to know. You just need peace.

Several years ago, I lost my younger brother to violence.  It was unexpected as all tragedies typically are.  I was…

11 years ago

My first experience fishing: The story of a dad and his sons.

So one day my eldest son(20) asks me, “Dad can we go fishing?”.   I looked at him in shock, as…

11 years ago