Ramblings and such.

I’ve been struggling lately with some postings and have been very busy too.  Best practice they say is to at least 3 posts weekly.  I’m more of a post when the muse hits, but today I thought I’d just talk about what’s going on with me a bit. Today I took the time to...

Noah: A Christrian based critical review

  This past evening I went to finally see the movie Noah.  I waited a week to kinda get a feel of what the Christian communities take on the movie was.  As an author of Christian fiction I am very aware of how our community values the Biblical text, and any liberties...

Patriotism to the Kingdom of God

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVBSPkSt0Go When I was a child I remember every morning having to put my hand over my heart and pledging allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. Having had the opportunity to travel overseas, I am proud to be an American....

Why the world needs more Samwise Gamgee’s

If you died who would care? If someone you knew no longer was in your life.  How long would it take you to see about them? The tragic story of a woman who was found after 6 years mummified in the back seat of her car is heartbreaking on so many levels that one cannot...

Godzilla: Go strong or go home.

Yesterday was the debut of the 2nd trailer for the of the new 2014 Godzilla movie. Now to say that I want this movie to be great and succeed is an understatement.  I grew up as a kid where in our area during the summer months our local WXYZ TV would play at 4pm for...