by Donovan | Feb 9, 2014 | Authorprenuership
I want to thank everyone for helping make my novel a success. It’s getting into the hands of readers and people are enjoying the read. Reviews are good, and people are being entertained, which is the point! To celebrate, for the next three days–Sunday...
by Donovan | Feb 4, 2014 | Authorprenuership, Epic Music & Images
There are few things that would stand as an adversary to a writer as the enemy known as writer’s block. The towering wall of inability to muster words to advance ones story. The sheer frustration of being caught between two opinions, to find oneself standing...
by Donovan | Feb 3, 2014 | Authorprenuership
I read quite a bit. Most of my reading consists of books that are informational, educational self help in nature. I read more fiction as a youth but much less now. (I’m working to remedy that!) I want to recommend for today’s post a book that will give a...
by Donovan | Jan 31, 2014 | Christian Commentary
Today’s interview is with writer Tony Ross. Tony is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). His first novel, “Victor,” was released in 2011 and is currently out of print. “Victor: The Reloaded Edition” was released in...
by Donovan | Jan 28, 2014 | The Third Heaven Series
QT “I will always remember the screams–the untold billions of screams.”
by Donovan | Jan 27, 2014 | Book Reviews
4.5 stars! “I am absolutely in love with all things fallen angels right now and this book did not disappoint!”
by Donovan | Jan 26, 2014 | Christian Commentary
Ge 2:18 ¶ And the LORD God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. In going to Sunday morning service today, the pastor talked about breaking the out of the prison of loneliness. I could really relate to this message,...
by Donovan | Jan 24, 2014 | Book Reviews
5*’s”Bravo!” “Gripping” “powerful”,”I was enthralled.”The reviews R in!
by Donovan | Jan 22, 2014 | Christian Commentary
Today I would like to welcome author Carole McDonnell, author of the book The Constant Tower and the Wind Follower. Thanks for allowing me to interview you Carol. So tell us about your book. My newest release is The Constant Tower. It’s Christian spec-fic. ...
by Donovan | Jan 21, 2014 | Book Reviews
The Third Heaven gets another great review, “I was completely enthralled”, check it out@