To be poor in spirit.

In a recent worship service the pastor talked about our need to be totally reliant on God. Needless to say I have not always done a great job of that in my own walk.  But nevertheless, I find that the lesson is still refreshing to hear.  Recently I received an...

Working with Lightning Source

So I received a call from Tennessee (Lightning Source’s headquarters) and the faxed documents that I sent in (see earlier post) were all set except for one.  My W-9.  Apparently it was not legible enough for them to read it.  So they asked if I could resend it...

Lightning Source it is!

Ok so after much thought, I decided to go with Lightning Source as my printer and NOT Createspace. Lightning source allows me to get on the Ingram database which allows me to get into the brick and mortar stores.  I wanted to see my book in hardback which Createspace...