Author Interview with Tony Ross

Today’s interview is with writer Tony Ross.  Tony is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). His first novel, “Victor,” was released in 2011 and is currently out of print. “Victor: The Reloaded Edition” was released in...

Author Interview with Carole McDonnell

Today I would like to welcome author Carole McDonnell, author of the book The Constant Tower and the Wind Follower. Thanks for allowing me to interview you Carol.  So tell us about your book.  My newest release is The Constant Tower.  It’s Christian spec-fic. ...

It’s Inspiration Tuesday!

This beautiful epic piece is a sweeping instrumental that rouses one to action. Stating with violins.  Its melody grabs one by the spirit in a cacophony of chorals, and horns. Soon one is immersed in the heroic epic.  You walk in triumph.  There may be struggle  but...