It’s Inspiration Tuesday!

OK today for inspiration Tuesday I want to do something a little different.  The video is the trailer for the video game Mass Effect 3.  The final game in a space trilogy that was released for the Xbox 360 last year.  I’ve played this game and to talk about how...

It’s Inspiration Tuesday!

Because I know music makes your braver.  Today’s inspirational song is a piece by Audiomachine, that evokes, sheer power.  From the violins in the begining, to the pounding of the drums, and choir vocals.  It beats power, a sense of epic battle, and triumph and...

It’s Inspiration Tuesday!

Because I know that music makes you braver, and evokes emotion in a person. I will weekly list a track that moves me. I’m going to ask you to do the same. What music moves you to write, evokes emotion? Inspires you…to write. Create. This sweeping, powerful melody,...

Inspiration Tuesday

Because I know that music makes you braver, and evokes emotion in a person. I will weekly list a track that moves me. I’m going to ask you to do the same. What music moves you to write, evokes emotion? Inspires you…to write. Create. Here is a piece that has inspired...