
Inspiration Tuesday: Duel of the Fates There are few things that would stand as an adversary to a writer as the enemy known as writer's…

11 years ago

It’s inspiration Tuesday, but on a Wednesday! Today’s epic inspirational piece comes again from Audiomachine. Set to sweeping violins this powerful theme is the new…

11 years ago

It’s Inspiration Tuesday! Today's epic inspiration piece comes again from Two Steps from Hell. Taken from the album Archangel, Nero is a…

11 years ago

It’s Inspiration Tuesday! This beautiful epic piece is a sweeping instrumental that rouses one to action. Stating with violins.  Its melody grabs…

11 years ago

It’s Inspiration Tuesday! I've been absent this past week. Real life beckoned and I needed a slight break. But I'm back and…

11 years ago

Inspiration Tuesday!

any Every Tuesday I try to post some of the most beautiful pieces of music to inspire and enthrall.  Because I…

11 years ago

How I write my novels a 10 step beginners guide: Step 10 Celebrate your accomplishments

Writing a novel can be a daunting task. I know because it’s taken me 7 years to complete my first…

11 years ago

It’s Inspiration Tuesday!

It's not often that I get the opportunity to showcase not just a great piece of epic music, but how…

11 years ago

How I write my novels a 10 step beginners guide. Step 9: Get some beta readers!

Writing a novel can be a daunting task. I know because it’s taken me 7 years to complete my first…

11 years ago

It’s Inspiration Tuesday…one day later than normal. :-)

Because I know that music makes your braver this inspirational piece comes from Audio Machines Helios Album.  Entitled Sol Invictus.  It's a…

11 years ago