I’m celebrating Detroit!

Detroit is an interesting city. I used to live there as a child and it’s changed very much. I remember it as a place that had amusement parks in the city and on an Island. http://apps.detnews.com/apps/history/index.php?id=104 http://boblosteamers.com/amusement.html....

Inspiration Tuesday

Because I know that music makes you braver, and evokes emotion in a person. I will weekly list a track that moves me. I’m going to ask you to do the same. What music moves you to write, evokes emotion? Inspires you…to write. Create. Here is a piece that has inspired...

How I write my novels a 10 step beginners guide.

Writing a novel can be a daunting task. I know because it’s taken me 7 years to complete my first one.  However, writing is easier for me now, than when I started. I realize that there are many of you who want to write that first novel, so let me lend my acquired...

An inspiration….

We all get inspiration from something.  I think of inspiration as a motivation to do…to mimic and capture a powerful story.  I have found that various things do that for me.  Images, sounds, phrases, leap at my mind challenging me to rise to the level of...