
The Third Heaven is free today! See the second books debut trailer!

I want to thank everyone for helping make my novel a success.  It's getting into the hands of readers and…

11 years ago

Author Interview with Tony Ross

Today's interview is with writer Tony Ross.  Tony is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). His first novel,…

11 years ago

What it is like to be a writer.

I was once asked what it was like to be a writer.  And though I would never presume to speak…

11 years ago

It’s resource Monday: Story Cartel

Greetings fellow human being and authors.  Yes I make a distinction.  Today I bring you another resource to assist the…

11 years ago

Resource Monday: How to format your ebook for Smashwords to pass AutoVetter for $5

Formatting you book for publishing is one of self publishing's little known dirty secrets.  The reality is that no matter…

11 years ago

Ever thought about having your books in airport bookstores? Here’s how!

Authors have to think of various ways to market and to get their books into the market place. Here in…

11 years ago

Want Your Self-Published Book in Stores? Consider this…

Every author dreams of having their books in brick and mortar stores.  This author is no different.  However, self-published authors…

11 years ago

15 Places to post your online content

15 Places to post your online content "Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many…

11 years ago

I need your help! Vote for what my novels cover should be!

  I need your help! Vote for what my novels cover should be! It's been a long time coming.  And…

11 years ago

How I write my novels a 10 step beginners guide: Step 10 Celebrate your accomplishments

Writing a novel can be a daunting task. I know because it’s taken me 7 years to complete my first…

11 years ago