Yay its resource Monday: But on Thursday. :-)

Ok each week I am scouring the net for great resources of all kinds.  Primarily for writers but it can be whatever fancies me. This week I’d like to present…drum roll please….HubSpot’s Marketing Grader! Let’s give them a hand shall we! Well I found this gem of a...

Inspiration Tuesday

Because I know that music makes you braver, and evokes emotion in a person. I will weekly list a track that moves me. I’m going to ask you to do the same. What music moves you to write, evokes emotion? Inspires you…to write. Create. Here is a piece that has inspired...

How I write my novels a 10 step beginners guide.

Writing a novel can be a daunting task. I know because it’s taken me 7 years to complete my first one.  However, writing is easier for me now, than when I started. I realize that there are many of you who want to write that first novel, so let me lend my acquired...