Resource Monday: The 99 designs logo store

Every Monday I try to bring to the audience helpful tips that will assist my fellows writers. Today I would like to introduce a wonderful store that I have recently come into knowledge of.  For those of you have followed me you might know that I have used 99designs in...

What it is like to be a writer.

I was once asked what it was like to be a writer.  And though I would never presume to speak for all writers.  I can definitely comment on my own experience. Writing my novel was a labor of love.  Honestly, I don’t know if I should put more emphasis on the labor or...

It’s resource Monday: Story Cartel

Greetings fellow human being and authors.  Yes I make a distinction.  Today I bring you another resource to assist the fellow author in their quest to achieve the heights of best seller status, or at the very least assist you in your publishing goals. Today’s...