It’s Inspiration Tuesday!

Because I know music makes your braver. Today’s inspirational song is a piece from the Audiomachine’s Warlords. A powerful piece, that invokes images of battle and shouts with the cries of combat. It stirs you to march towards that which you fear, or to purposes...

Controversy is Christian: Art and the Christian

Ok so I want to start a weekend topic dealing with subject matters that are controversial.  Yep  stuff you’re not gonna like.  Or at least will have a strong opinion about.  Actually, I want this to be a lively debate about what you think, and more importantly, why...

It’s resource Monday but on a Thurs…ugh Friday!

Ok each week I am scouring the net for great resources of all kinds.  Primarily for writers but it can be whatever fancies me. This week I would like to present…drum roll please… Let us give them a hand shall we! As writers, we need to promote...